Welcome to The Graceful Grind, friend.
If you’re anything like me, February has been one of those months where everything seems to demand your attention all at once. Between motherhood, work deadlines, ministry commitments, and the tyranny of the urgent that pulls you away daily, it’s easy to feel stretched beyond your limits.
But here’s the truth I’m learning this month: You don’t have to carry it all alone.
Bible Nerd Time…
In my daily reading through the One Year Bible, I came across a powerful story in Exodus that spoke straight to my overwhelmed heart. You might remember when the Israelites were in battle and Moses stood on the hill, holding up his arms so that the Israelites would prevail. But after a while, Moses grew tired. He couldn’t do it alone. That’s when Aaron and Hur stepped in to hold up his arms, giving him the strength to keep going and ultimately secure victory (Exodus 17:12-13).
Soon after, Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, gave him crucial advice: delegate. He saw Moses wearing himself out by trying to handle every dispute among the people and advised him to appoint leaders to share the load (Exodus 18:17-23).
These stories are about more than ancient battles and leadership structures. They’re about something some of us face today—the need for community and delegation.
Applying Bible Stuff to the Stuff of Life
Let’s break this down and apply it to the three core areas: motherhood, ministry, and marketing.
Motherhood: Allowing Others to Hold You Up
Moms, how many times have you told yourself, "I should be able to handle this"? The truth is, you were never meant to parent in isolation. It’s okay to lean on others—whether that’s asking a friend to watch the kids for a few hours or allowing your spouse to take on tasks you’re used to doing yourself.
Lagniappe: Something I’ve added to me and Eliza’s daily schedule is morning worship time. I put on worship music in the morning while I cook breakfast and we eat together. I absolutely love the tone it sets for my day before I dive into my To-Do list.
I often crave connection and relationships as we continue to make Florida feel like home, especially knowing how much Eliza thrives around other playful kids, but I’m finding myself getting complacent without a village and passing on opportunities to build relationships. I’m challenging myself to say yes when I feel like God is providing me an opportunity to make a friend for me and my daughter. If I’m going to practice what I preach, it’s time for me to build a community in our new city.
This month, consider these questions:
Who can you trust to help hold your arms up when you’re feeling weary?
What areas of motherhood can you let go of to invite others into the journey?
Ministry Leadership: Sharing the Load
If you’re involved in ministry, you’ve likely felt the tension between serving faithfully and burning out. Like Moses, it can feel like every decision and responsibility rests on your shoulders. But leadership is not about doing everything yourself—it’s about empowering others. (This applies to parenting, too!)
Who are the Aarons and Hurs in your life? Maybe it’s time to delegate tasks or mentor someone who can step into a leadership role alongside you. As Jethro reminded Moses, delegating isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a strategy for sustainability.
I recently took on a more robust role at Lakeside Christian Academy, a K-12th grade private christian school my family founded in 2016. February was my first month serving as a full-time Operations Director, and it was the most fulfilling, but exhausting months I’ve had in a long time. I can see God’s hand in all of it and I’m so excited to see what He’s doing through Lakeside for the city of Slidell, Louisiana.
But I know that my role isn’t to come in and be the hero, it’s to make sure everyone there feels like they are equipped and prepared to lead well so that we don’t need rescuing to begin with.
Balancing between filling every need and allowing needs to arise so God can fill it with the right person is a hard task for an overachieving hyperactive doer like ya girl Monica…
Ask yourself:
Are there responsibilities I’m holding onto that someone else could thrive in?
How can I better equip and empower others in my ministry?
Marketing & Business: Leading with Strategy
As a business owner, I know how tempting it is to try and control every aspect of the business. But growth only happens when we trust others with pieces of the vision. Delegation in business isn’t just about freeing up your time; it’s about fostering creativity and innovation within your team.
I’m constantly refining my offerings to fit what brings me joy and what I can realistically do well with the time and resources I have left from my roles as a mother and an active part in our family ministries.
This month, I’m challenging myself to:
Empower my team to take initiative on projects without micromanaging.
Focus on the tasks that only I can do and let go of the rest.
What about you? Are there areas in your work where you need to release control to move forward?
Reflection & Action Items (Never walk away from a meeting without identifying Action Items. That one’s for free. 😉)
Here are a few ways to put this lesson into practice this month:
Identify Your Support System: Who are the people God has placed in your life to help you? Reach out to them and share how they can support you.
Delegate One Responsibility: Choose one task in your life (parenting, ministry, or business) that you can delegate. Give someone else the opportunity to step up.
Pray for Wisdom: Ask God to show you where you need to release control and trust others to carry the load.
Share your story with me!
I’d love to hear how this theme is showing up in your life. Is there a moment recently where someone held you up when you felt weak? Or have you found new strength in delegating a responsibility you’d been carrying alone? Reply to this and share your story—I’m always encouraged by your insights.
Resource of the Month
This month, I’m recommending Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Your Family. Gospel Principles begin to take over every part of your life and guide every decision in every area. Whether I’m parenting my own daughter, working with a student who has behavior problems, or trying to navigate business– living with Biblical perspective does not mean following a set of rules, but viewing life through the lens of God’s grace and that changes everything.
A Prayer for Your Journey
Lord, thank You for the reminder that we are not called to carry every burden alone. Thank You for the people You’ve placed in our lives to support and strengthen us. Teach us to trust in Your provision and to share the responsibilities You’ve entrusted to us. Help us to lead with grace and wisdom. Amen.
With grace,
Monica Lynch
Mother | Over-thinker | Entrepreneur | Wife | Encourager